How to Stay Safe During Summer Music Festivals

The summer music festival season is upon us. With Riverbend and Bonnaroo underway, you’re no doubt looking forward to hanging out with friends, maybe having a few drinks, and enjoying the weather while listening to some great bands at this year’s summer music festivals.

Though your priority is to have fun, it’s important to think about safety, as well. Here are six tips to help you stay safe during your summer music festival experience.

1. Know the Rules and the Festival Layout

Before going to a music festival, look it up online to get a feel for its layout. Get familiar with all of the exits, medical tents, and water stations, in case of an emergency.

Also, know what you can and can’t bring to the festival, including weapons. Some festivals have changed their rules this year and no longer permit handguns.

When it comes to parking, make sure you park in a designated area, so you won’t get towed or blocked in. You can snap a picture or make a quick note on your phone so it’s easier to find your car when it’s time to go. And leave the emergency lanes for ambulances and firetrucks, in case there’s an emergency.

2. Use the Buddy System

If you’re going with friends, coordinate a system with someone you trust, so you can look out for one another. Also arrange a meeting place where can meet up if you get separated.

If you’re traveling alone, introduce yourself to your camping neighbors, so someone will know you’re there and will sound the alarm if you don’t return when expected. Also, make sure you’ve got someone available to pick you up in case something happens to you. Memorize or write down their number, in case your phone dies and you have to borrow someone else’s.

3. Bring Your Phone (and Charger!)

It’s important that when you’re going to a music festival, especially one where you’ll be gone for several days, to always bring your phone and a portable charger so that your friends and family know how to contact you, or vice versa. A solar charger can be a good option if you’ll be away from other power sources for long periods.

4. Stay Hydrated and Stay Cool

It’s important to drink plenty of water while you’re out in the summer heat. Most summer music festivals offer free water stations. Seek those out, especially if it’s hot out and you’ve consumed any alcohol.

Also wear lightweight clothing to stay cooler. To help protect your skin and eyes, wear a hat and sunglasses. And don’t forget the sunscreen!

5. Drink Responsibly

Having an alcoholic beverage while listening to music outdoors can be fun, but make sure you don’t overdo it. Drink wisely, and don’t take a drink from a stranger, because you won’t be sure what’s in it. Similarly, it’s best to avoid drinks being dipped out of open coolers or containers.

If you overdo it, get a ride home with a friend, or hail a cab or ride-sharing service.

Learn what to do if you’re charged with your first DUI.

6. Leave Your Valuables at Home

You’re going to a music festival, not the MET Gala. Try to resist bringing expensive jewelry, loads of cash or expensive clothes. Thieves target easy grabs like wallets, purses and jewelry. Backpacks are easy to unzip (and empty!) without notice, so bring only what you need, and store those items in a safe place, like a zippable fanny pack or other pouch you can wear where it’s visible to you at all times.

Contact a Chattanooga Defense Lawyer

In the event you’re charged with public intoxication, DUI, or other crimes during a summer music festival, an attorney from Speek, Turner & Newkirk can help protect your rights. Contact us at (423) 531-2800 to schedule a consultation.